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PART NO:68400456

Name: PR SB401 RTR 1/10 Electric 4WD Buggy (Brushless)( Transparent body )

PR Racing introduces the SB401 10th scale Competition 4wd off road Buggy RTR (Ready to Run) competition model.
PR Racing has used years of competitive knowledge to bring you the very best RTR 4wd on the market!  The SB401 4wd Buggy

10th scale buggy is extremely easy to work on while offering many tuning options and unrivaled durability.  

The SB401 RTR front suspension is equipped with advanced steering blocks and shock towers to improve

steering reaction and stability on the track, while high quality carbon fiber shock towers offer  extreme durability and rigidity.  The SB401 RTR Kit comes with the same parts the professional racers use to compete at the highest level worldwide.  The SB401 4wd RTR Buggy is extremely  versatile and can be fine tuned for many conditions.  The 12.75mm big bore shocks soak up any terrain and  are fully adjustable including rear lateral shock positioning (front or behind rear shock tower) 

PR Racing also offers a wide range of precision machined shock pistons to further fine tune your PR Racing suspension for any terrain.  The SB401 comes standard with saddle pack or Shorty pack capabilities, front and rear motor options and much more! 

This buggy will give you the competitive edge and durability needed to have fun at the park or compete at the local track!  The SB401 comes with machined bevel and pinon gears which are extremely durable and smooth.  PR Racing takes pride in using the very best  materials available to produce the most competitive and enjoyable vehicles in the market.  Whether you are having fun chasing your dog,

racing your friend or competing for the World Championship the SB401 4wd buggy by PR Racing has you covered!  Look no further for

a competitive Ready To Run 4wd Buggy! 



 Motor: Electric
•​Wheelbase: 284mm
•​12 degree chassis Kick up
(Adjustment range:20 degree)
•​All Metric Hardware
•​Full Precision Ball Bearings
•​completion option in the same kit
•​Same Front and Rear Wheels  (12mm Hex)
•​77 tooth(differential) spur gear
•​Drivetrain: 4wd
•​Motor or Engine: Accepts 540 size
•​ New motor mount can change
motor position easily (front or rear)
•​Tooth Gear Pitch: 48 Pitch
 Shock Type: Oil Filled Shocks
•​Body: Unpainted clear body
with over spray
•​ CNC aluminum one-piece
motor mount
•​ CVD bones x6
•​ Width:248mm
•​ Weight:1785g(weight varies with
 choice of electronics, tires & body)
•​ Length:284mm
•​ Gear Ratio:2.6:1
•​ 7.4V/4000-6000mAh approx
•​Minimum Age Recommendation: 14 years
 Items required to complete:
•Metric 1.5mm, 2.0mm hex tools
•​Metric 5.5mm, 7.0mm Nut Driver
•​2S LiPo Battery & Compatible Lipo Charger
•​Polycarbonate Paint for Bodies

Links to the manual for this buggy please:
Tel:886+   Fax:886-2-2998-0913